Sharing the Experience Reports
Whether creating, reshaping or re-engaging with your advisory board, we can help.
Adding value to the impact your advisory board is having on your business school does need focus. We can help through facilitated discussions in your next board meeting and by capturing their stories to provide marketing and communications content for increased board member visibility.
Feedback as to the value your board are delivering will increase their engagement: we can devise measures for them to understand better where they are having impact, now and in the future and identify areas where additional value can be gained.
We have a selection of Advisory Board support available to help you, see the list below.
Free Report
Business School Advisory Boards: Maximising the Opportunity
In this report we share and analyse the experience of those running, managing and participating on business school advisory boards. The report is designed to help you manage your board and create:
the right mix
a clearly defined role and remit
increased engagement, greater value and stronger impact
Terms of Reference Guide and Template £95
We have designed a guide and template to make the job of creating or revising the Terms of Reference for your board quick and easy.
The template provides wording you can adapt and the accompanying thoughts guide you when tailoring the terms to suit your school's specific needs. The quotes from deans and chairs are there to 'Share the Experience'.
Key Findings Presentation and Facilitated Discussion £650
Ask us to create a presentation for your next board meeting to bring to life the findings of our report tailored to your current challenges and your board's Terms of Reference. Two of us will then facilitate a discussion to generate agreed action points to increase the value generated by your board in future.
Increased Engagement and Impact POA
Increase your engagement with and the impact of your advisory board, generating quick wins and improving support for longer term strategic goals by asking us to:
capture board member stories for use in marketing and communications, to increase their visibility and support messaging around relevance, employability and close business links.
understand, analyse and feed back the impact your board is having.
identify gaps in expertise and areas greater impact can be achieved, linked to your mission and strategy.
develop measures for you to effectively assess your board's impact going forward.
Support Creating or Re-shaping your Advisory Board POA
Understanding that one size certainly doesn't fit all, we will help you get the thinking right from the very beginning to create an effective advisory board for your school. First analysing the expertise and diversity your school requires to deliver your mission and strategic goals, we will then work with you to identify potential board members aligned with your school values. We will help you to draw together the optimum mix of experience, expertise and demographics to generate maximum creativity in the discussions around your boardroom table.