With the arrival of the new academic year, like Alice, we know that many universities are looking forwards. There is a focus on new targets and new challenges and thoughts about how to meet them. There may also be some head scratching!
At H&A we have a solid reputation for practicality and a track record of sharing our experience to help our clients progress and realise their goals. Perhaps we can help you too? Just this year we have added insight, evidence, expertise and capacity for #businessschools and #universities.
We have helped them with Programme Development by:
Future-proofing an #mba and aligning it to school strengths
Proposing, evaluating and market testing new specialist programme opportunities
Understanding skills gaps, learning and development needs and potential recruitment requirements
We have supported their Professional Services by:
Coaching Professional Services staff, improving processes and strengthening relationships
Creating a strategic approach to encourage alumni engagement
Providing insight on Professional Services structures and resources
Conducting trusted partner outreach to existing corporate connections for a Careers Festival
Improving efficiency of recruitment and admissions processes
We have helped them make much more of their Advisory Boards by:
Delivering a consistent cross-university approach to advisory input through our framework and the creation of bespoke central resources
Mentoring school leadership teams to create high performing advisory structures
Reshaping and re-engaging advisory boards to align them to strategic objectives
... and we have brought our sector expertise and understanding to their Brand Development, Reputation Building and Graphic Design by:
Strengthening a school’s industry reputation: understanding perceptions and identifying opportunities to build reputation
Facilitating communication of key messages and metrics: through brand and story development and asset pack design
Bringing business school content and design expertise to marketing collateral creation within existing visual identities
Providing graphic design to support existing school resources
As we have reviewed what we've been up to this last year it mounts up: we have shared our experience with our clients, who return confident that the H&A team bring them the expertise and experienced knowledge to, as our friend the Cheshire Cat said, help them understand where they want to go to and as the Red Queen decreed, run at least twice as fast to get there.
If you need help right now, we hit the ground running and you will be pleasantly surprised how quickly we deliver...
Focusing on the future, Alice might well have been thinking, if nothing changes, nothing changes: book a no obligation call with us to explore how H&A can provide the insight, evidence, experience and capacity to help you deliver the changes you are looking for!
