Brighton holds some mixed memories for me, however today the sun shone: I was delighted to be asked to speak for a second year running at the British Academy of Management Development Programme for Leaders of Engagement (DPLoE), on Advisory Board Impact and Engagement at Brighton's Royal Pavilion. We discussed lots of challenges including strategies to create a two-way relationship with your board members or to gently encourage your dean or the chair of the board to say less in board meetings (perhaps heeding some of Aaron Burr's advice to Alexander Hamilton in Lin Manuel Miranda’s musical: “Talk less, smile more.")! I really enjoyed the session today, thanks to Prof Tim Vorley OBE for inviting me.
We are currently collecting a variety of examples of advisory board impact to share in the summer at the EFMD Global Annual Conference free of charge. If your board as a whole or any individual members are creating an impact and adding value to School operations, restructures, the student experience, programme relevance, reputation building or anything else, please do get in touch.