Perhaps. But if you wish for an advisory board that stimulates fresh opportunities, brings new thinking and extends connections, then rather than rely on our friend in Lapland (who may be quite busy right now), there is something else you can do instead. Book an exploratory, no obligation meeting to see how we can help, and we will share some complimentary tips and suggestions to improve the value your advisors are able to deliver for your business school or across your university.
Managed well, #advisoryboards can be a dream to work with, adding valuable insight, experience and connections. However, we also know they can be disengaged, political and tricky. We have helped our clients put processes and mechanisms in place to review what their board is delivering for their school, understand how they can better engage their board members and facilitate greater impact and indeed, record and feedback the value their boards are adding. Boards become more engaged and future difficulties can be avoided or resolved professionally and easily.
As guest contributors to Women in BizEd#WIBE Art of Stakeholder & Advisory Board Management sessions, we recently discussed:
* what to do when inheriting an advisory board
* the importance of getting crystal clear on purpose, role and remit
* the steps you should take to fundamentally shift the role and responsibilities of an existing board
We shared how bringing in outside assistance increases transparency and when everyone is so busy, adds focus and resource to help. Our advisory board framework, experience working with other boards and ready to adapt tools mean we guide deans and senior leadership teams through the process and achieve the results they need quickly.
We work collaboratively with #businessschools and across #universities to:
* share best practice, map and review what currently exists
* understand why board members wish to engage
* create central school or institution-specific resources for greater consistency
* bring deeper understanding of where an advisory board can help each school to deliver its strategic objectives
* identify overarching themes that will stretch across the different subject areas of schools or faculties
* understand which projects board members might successfully be involved in
* help broaden the diversity of mindset, insight and expertise available through an advisory board
Managing a #board well takes time and resource but we can help make it easy and have already done lots of the thinking for you. Act now, rather than waiting for Christmas and hoping that overnight, something will just magically happen. I wonder, what will be on the wish list you share with us?
