‘Build networking into everything’ said Professor Patricia Flynn at our EFMD Advisory Board Deans’ Workshop - and last Thursday, attending the Birmingham Business School Strategic Advisory Board Annual Lecture, I fully understood why!
The Lecture by @billie_major on the fascinating challenges and successes her team at Capgemini had delivering the Furlough and SEISS payment systems for HMRC in just a few weeks, was preceded by Board Member networking and followed by drinks with the audience and a private Advisory Board dinner, to which they generously invited me.
Seeing this Board really close up, I realise that my recent EFMD Global Focus article underestimates the impact of the chemistry between these board members and their bond with the School. That evening, I witnessed three offers of help directly between people present, an ‘ask’ from the School for support at an event and real enthusiasm for the discussions at the Board meeting the next day.
The joy of getting together, adding value and having a real impact on School activities was palpable - a great example of how cultivating these relationships through networking opportunities pays dividends to all present.
Photo of Advisory Board Event courtesy of Birmingham Business School