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What will your 2021 business school advisory board report say?

In January we asked you to predict what your board’s annual report would be like. Your feedback reinforced the findings in our business school advisory board report - which has now reached over 1000 reads worldwide.

Since then, we have gathered additional insights from discussions at international conferences and workshops and we have heard that many of you have started thinking about increasing diversity, engagement and impact.

So as we approach the middle of 2021, have you made the progress you wanted to? Are you confident your end of year report will be as good as it could be, or will it be something like the comment I once had to explain to my father about a subject I detested:

“Sarah’s achievement matched her effort, neither match her ability.” Ouch!

We can make it easy: schedule an agenda item for us to share the experience from other business schools, identify priorities and open up conversations.

You and your Advisory Board will benefit from:

- a presentation of key highlights from our report

- insights from the subsequent sessions at international forums

- facilitated discussions, tailored to strategic areas where you would like greater impact.

We know your board wants to add value, let us help you show them how!

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