At a time when relevance, employability and real links to business are ever more important, when did you last look at the advisory board page of your business school website?
OK, I confess, we have looked! And we can guarantee that for most of you it is a list of names with fairly dull biographies and maybe head shots: they may as well be sitting on your school’s mantelpiece!
Where are the stories? What do your board members think makes a great new hire, an effective manager, a successful leader? How did they build their careers and what are the lessons learnt? And the other side: what are they doing to help your school stay relevant in this very fast changing business environment?
Now think what you could do with these insights from YOUR advisory board: to increase their engagement and impact and reassure those considering your school that your programmes are relevant and your business links are effective.
We have spent six months getting board members to talk: to share how they are helping, to identify where they can make greater impact and to voice their concerns for business schools in future.
Now check your own school's web page! When you really need every competitive advantage, this is a quick win and one we can deliver for you. Why not find out more?
